So, I recently decided that after about 15 years of envy for anyone with dreads that I would once again go for it...In that 15 years I kinda built a visual reputation with my drawings, you could say that ive created clues that ive used to inform the viewer that under certain circumstances that the following combination of physical characteristics indicates that this that they see is in fact a self portrait:(moles that are kitty corner on my face, glasses,the CURLY HAIR, and that oh so surprised wrinkled brow)...
Let the demonstration begin:
With these given examples, I was thinking about how this hair change then changes how dramatically my self portraits become...Has the curly "kramer"mop become me?...or have I become it?...I have been told virtually every time I get a haircut that my hairstyle is/Has essentially become my default trademark, which I always shrugged off as pointless and meaningless, maybe some of my friends were on to something?
..Ill post the first dread serious portrait that I produce, Im super interested to see that....
A few more examples...
..Worse case scenario, I will have some new inspiration and brand new task trying to learn to draw my new natty self...stay tuned
6 days ago
Looks like you're in that "in between stage." I think my hair is always in that stage, so good luck with your hirsute efflorescence!
Thanks rosie. I would say beginning stage...13 days in and counting....
hmm.. You make me want to cut my hair, I think you know your face a bit too well.. Why is that?
PLEASE let me know when you make more self portaits.. im very interested.
Thank you An-hell-ita...Ive been lookin at this old face for a long time...More self Portraits are comin soon...
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