
Chicago fun fact 1


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This starts on the basis that I thoroughly believe that Chicago is the best city and everytime I find out a interesting fact I have to share....So, with that said.....One of the cities worst and once most infamous Housing projects,Cabrini Green,was actually named after Americas First saint Mother Cabrini (Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini)...How different saying or even thinking about Cabrini Green feels, knowing a Saint helped build orphanages here and then went on to be named after it....I wonder what she would think of the plight in the projects?

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"...Mother Cabrini was not a strong person physically, but she had a great inner strength. She had an unbending belief and trust in God. Throughout her life and in all her many undertakings, she always knew that God would provide for her and the many schools, hospitals, orphanages, and missions which she founded.

In 1909 Mother Cabrini became an American citizen. Mother Cabrini died in Chicago on December 22, 1917. Her remains are laid to rest in Mother Cabrini High School at 701 Fort Washington Avenue New York, New York. It is now a place of pilgrimage.

Mother Cabrini was beatified in 1938 and canonized a saint in 1946.

During her life, Saint Frances Cabrini founded sixty-seven schools, hospitals, orphanages, and missions, one for every year in her life."


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